Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"A Fable for Tomorrow"

Rachel Carson was the author who wrote the “A Fable for Tomorrow”. She was attacked by many for her controversial book called “Silent Spring”. In the book "Silent Spring" she talks about the things that are affecting the environment such as chemicals and pesticides. One of the attacks against her was that she wasn't a biochemist meaning that she was lost about what she was saying. She even was denominated as “hysterical woman who is unqualified as a scientist". Her main purpose of writing this book was to let people know that we should try to use fewer chemicals. Unfortunately, she died without seeing the impact of her good work. In my opinion, I think that it was not fair the way she was attacked in that way. Everybody has the right to express their feelings.

Cultural Baggage

In the essay" Cultural Baggage" by Barbara Ehrenreich, the author mention some aspects that I doesn't agree with her. In my opinion, I think culture should be important for everyone. We all come from a family with traditions that we follow as we grew. In addition, we all have the right to know our family backgrounds that would help us to know about where we came from. Culture is all about traditions, belief, food, clothes, music, dance and language. Knowing your background should mean everything for a person. I believe that we should try to make our traditions alive so it would continue to the new generation.

Youth of Today

"Growing Up Old" by Richard Gonzalez describes the differences between adolescence in the present and the past. The author points out that currently adolescents are growing up so quickly and they are acting more as an adult. I agree with the author's point of view about youth behavior. Teenagers are growing too fast and they don't see that they are skipping part of their lives. In my opinion, I think that a 10 years old boy or girl shouldn't be carrying a cell phone, now you see kids with 5 years old and they already have a cell phone. Nowadays teenagers are getting married at the age of 16, having kids and leaving the school so they can work to support their family. Kids are getting influence by television, internet and games Finally, I think that parents needs to be in touch of their child behavior. They also should talk with them about the good and the bad things.

College Pressure

“College Pressures” was written by William Zinsser, his purpose of writing this essay was to inform readers the pressure that college students go through. As human, we can face pressure in our house, job and even in school. In the case of College students is a little bit different because they need to maintain a daily routine in order to maintain their classes with a good GPA. Some of the pressures that students face is stress. First, you have to register for class, everybody goes at the same time so is every stressing. Financial Aid is another issue, we need to get that money on time in order to pay for the classes and buy the books. Also, there is a big problem when it come to park. Finally, there are some more pressures that we have to face, but we have to try to overcome those pressures. A good way to overcome college pressure are to maintain relax in every activity you have to make, try to manage your time in a way that you can priority your schoolwork, and try not to procrastinate.


When I read this essay, I found it very interesting because as woman we all tend to compare the way man behaves. In Toth's essay she classify her dates by saying the way they behave, the movies they like and the way they take her to the movie theater.I think that in order to find the right gay, you need to be date different people to see what is it that you really expect in a man. Her ultimate message was that in her last date when she went alone to the Movie Theater she realized that she felt better being who she really is. In conclusion, it is hard for woman to find the right gay but sometimes is better to be alone rather than to be with someone that you can’t feel comfortable.

Lie Detector

In the essay, the author explains some methods that are used to identify if you are lying by this machine called Lie Detector. Lie detector is a great machine, but I don't think is 100% accurate. The machine was done to determine changes in a person's body. Most of the people know how the machine works, so they try to stay calm and not to get nervous. We all should try to say only the truth, but sometimes people have to deal with events that let them to say it. There is no such a person that has ever said a lie. For examples, you lay when you don't want to hurt other people's feeling or when you don't want your child to know that he/she is adopted. I believe that at some point, we all have to lie in our daily lives. The author even mention that lying is stressful, ; therefore, sometimes it is necessary to say it.

Why we crave Horror Movies

This essay was very interesting because it is true that we all have an animal inside of us, we normally don’t show them but it some occasion it just goes out. I agree with Stephen King's Essay. I believe that we all have different personalities. Most of the times you like people to see that you are strong, but the truth is that you are not. On the other hand, they are some people that love to see horror movies just for the fact that they know they are going to get scared and they love that. In my opinion, I love horror movie. It always keep you awake because you don't know what to expect from the movie, also you don't know when are you going to scream, jump or even hit the one next to you.

Sloppy People Vs Neat People

This essay was mainly comparing about neat people vs. sloppy people. In Britt's essay, the author is in favor of sloppy people. In her essay, she provided some differences between sloppy people and neat people. For example, she said that neat people are lazier and meaner. Also, that neat people don't care about process, they like result. On the other hand, she refers to sloppy people as noble and sensible. Finally, she is more positive when describing sloppy people because she thinks that they tend to be more caring.

Considering Tannen's Essay (Direct or Indirect Communication)

In this essay I learn that there are two form of communication, one is direct and indirect communication. I prefer the direct communication because it allows us to express our opinions, ideas, and feelings. As we communicate, we all want to be able to understand the other's person message. In my opinion, direct communication is more effective because a person mean exactly what they are trying to say. Not only you can look into their eye, but also their face expression. On the other hand, indirect communication can cause misunderstanding. Also, you might leave doubts behind and make the person feel insecure. A good way to avoid conflicts and tragedies is by having a good direct communication.

Why don't we complaint?

In today’s society there a lot of people that doesn’t complaint maybe is because they doesn’t want to create a bigger problem. But, why you don't complain if you know that you have the right to complain? I know, maybe is because you are shy or you fear that the problem is going to get worst. People doesn't understand that we have the liberty to express our feelings and thought at anytime without fear of punishment. You are not to gain anything if you stay quiet and don’t fight for your rights. The author did a mistake by staying quiet. Your voice needs to be heard when there are other that are doing the wrong thing. In my own opinion, I think that we all should complain when you feel that you have to, nobody is going to do it for you.

Marrying Absurd

This particular essay I like it a lot because today we are facing with too many people that are not getting marriage as it should be. The author of "Marrying Absurd" wrote this story to inform the audience why many people like to get married in Las Vegas. I agree with his opinion about the fact that the act of marriage in Las Vegas it seems to be more of a business, nothing serious ; therefore, I believe you have to take it serious about making tht step. Also, I think getting married is not a game it is something that we have to think about it twice before making the decision. It is supposed to be a dream come true, a day that both will remember for the rest of their lives. We all have to consider that once we married we have to be there in the good and bad times.

Symbolism The Death of the Moth

In the story "The Death of the Moth" the author symbolized the moth as a human. The essay written by Virginia Wolf was very interesting because she tried to inform readers the importance of life. Sometimes few people take life for granted. As humans, we all have to appreciate every second in our life. In addition, if things go wrong, we can't stop, we have to keep going until we make it. In my opinion, I think that the author's main purpose of writing this story is that you never know when are you going to die, so every minute enjoy it as if it was your last day because you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow.

Monday, November 30, 2009

"A Hanging"

In my personal opinion, I think that no one has the right to decide when a person must die or live. The overall message of the story "A Hanging" by George Orwell is that the author wanted to express the way he felt when he really discover that the prisoner was not dying, and he was alive as himself. The author realizes that it was not fair to destroy a healthy, conscious man. You can see when the prisoner avoids the puddle, meaning that he was still reasoning and he didn't want his feet to get wet. The author understood an individual’s feeling by knowing he was still alive. I think that regardless of their misbehavior nobody has the right to take the life of another.

"Salvation and A Chase"

This two story was very interesting because it has to deal with children learning lessons in their lives. In the story "The Chase" by Annie Dillards, the author refers to action that humans normally make without seeing the consequences. For example, in the story the kids was having fun making an iceball, like normal kids they threw it to a man , as a result, the man started running after them. The lesson that is learned in the story "Salvation" by Langston Hughes is that you always should say the truth even if it hurts somebody. In the story, Langston decided to lie by saying he saw Jesus. It was just to make others happy and at the end he felt guilty. At the end they learn from their mistakes and that is better to tell the truth.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Borges and I

The piece Borges and I is very interesting. In some way, there are a lot of people that suffer of having two personalities. For many people is difficult, so the best thing I can say is that you have to focus on what you really want. Borges doesn't know who he exactly he is that's why he said, I live, let myself go on living, so that Borges may contribe his literature, and his literature justifies me. I navigate different roles in my life. I am a student, studying everyday to achieve good grades in every class, a daughter that helps my mom in everything possible. Also, I work to be able to pay my necessities. I am a friend, which I love because when I hang out with my friends I have such good times laughing and doing crazy stuff.In addition, I am in a serious relationship for 3 years. I describe myself as friendly, outgoing, honest , hardworking and simple.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Favorite Story " Salvation "

From the three stories I read, the most I liked was "Salvation" because it is an example of true facts that are happening in real life. As humans, we normally tend to do things only to make others happy. Sometime those things cause us to feel guilt. In my opinion, I think that we should always think before act. "Salvation" teaches us that no matter what the truth is, we should say it even if it hurts somebody because at the end you are the only one who is going to suffer.