Wednesday, December 2, 2009

College Pressure

“College Pressures” was written by William Zinsser, his purpose of writing this essay was to inform readers the pressure that college students go through. As human, we can face pressure in our house, job and even in school. In the case of College students is a little bit different because they need to maintain a daily routine in order to maintain their classes with a good GPA. Some of the pressures that students face is stress. First, you have to register for class, everybody goes at the same time so is every stressing. Financial Aid is another issue, we need to get that money on time in order to pay for the classes and buy the books. Also, there is a big problem when it come to park. Finally, there are some more pressures that we have to face, but we have to try to overcome those pressures. A good way to overcome college pressure are to maintain relax in every activity you have to make, try to manage your time in a way that you can priority your schoolwork, and try not to procrastinate.

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