Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Youth of Today

"Growing Up Old" by Richard Gonzalez describes the differences between adolescence in the present and the past. The author points out that currently adolescents are growing up so quickly and they are acting more as an adult. I agree with the author's point of view about youth behavior. Teenagers are growing too fast and they don't see that they are skipping part of their lives. In my opinion, I think that a 10 years old boy or girl shouldn't be carrying a cell phone, now you see kids with 5 years old and they already have a cell phone. Nowadays teenagers are getting married at the age of 16, having kids and leaving the school so they can work to support their family. Kids are getting influence by television, internet and games Finally, I think that parents needs to be in touch of their child behavior. They also should talk with them about the good and the bad things.

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