Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Borges and I

The piece Borges and I is very interesting. In some way, there are a lot of people that suffer of having two personalities. For many people is difficult, so the best thing I can say is that you have to focus on what you really want. Borges doesn't know who he exactly he is that's why he said, I live, let myself go on living, so that Borges may contribe his literature, and his literature justifies me. I navigate different roles in my life. I am a student, studying everyday to achieve good grades in every class, a daughter that helps my mom in everything possible. Also, I work to be able to pay my necessities. I am a friend, which I love because when I hang out with my friends I have such good times laughing and doing crazy stuff.In addition, I am in a serious relationship for 3 years. I describe myself as friendly, outgoing, honest , hardworking and simple.

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