Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Borges and I

The piece Borges and I is very interesting. In some way, there are a lot of people that suffer of having two personalities. For many people is difficult, so the best thing I can say is that you have to focus on what you really want. Borges doesn't know who he exactly he is that's why he said, I live, let myself go on living, so that Borges may contribe his literature, and his literature justifies me. I navigate different roles in my life. I am a student, studying everyday to achieve good grades in every class, a daughter that helps my mom in everything possible. Also, I work to be able to pay my necessities. I am a friend, which I love because when I hang out with my friends I have such good times laughing and doing crazy stuff.In addition, I am in a serious relationship for 3 years. I describe myself as friendly, outgoing, honest , hardworking and simple.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Favorite Story " Salvation "

From the three stories I read, the most I liked was "Salvation" because it is an example of true facts that are happening in real life. As humans, we normally tend to do things only to make others happy. Sometime those things cause us to feel guilt. In my opinion, I think that we should always think before act. "Salvation" teaches us that no matter what the truth is, we should say it even if it hurts somebody because at the end you are the only one who is going to suffer.