Monday, November 30, 2009

"A Hanging"

In my personal opinion, I think that no one has the right to decide when a person must die or live. The overall message of the story "A Hanging" by George Orwell is that the author wanted to express the way he felt when he really discover that the prisoner was not dying, and he was alive as himself. The author realizes that it was not fair to destroy a healthy, conscious man. You can see when the prisoner avoids the puddle, meaning that he was still reasoning and he didn't want his feet to get wet. The author understood an individual’s feeling by knowing he was still alive. I think that regardless of their misbehavior nobody has the right to take the life of another.

"Salvation and A Chase"

This two story was very interesting because it has to deal with children learning lessons in their lives. In the story "The Chase" by Annie Dillards, the author refers to action that humans normally make without seeing the consequences. For example, in the story the kids was having fun making an iceball, like normal kids they threw it to a man , as a result, the man started running after them. The lesson that is learned in the story "Salvation" by Langston Hughes is that you always should say the truth even if it hurts somebody. In the story, Langston decided to lie by saying he saw Jesus. It was just to make others happy and at the end he felt guilty. At the end they learn from their mistakes and that is better to tell the truth.